Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 117 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

  2. Con News

  3. Toy News

  4. 3rd Party

  5. Store Report

  6. Online

  7. What We Got

    • Roger
    • Vern
    • Slick
  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • AAA – What pop culture franchise (only one) will push you to do crazy things? To make you buy a car? For me, Star Wars definitely. Nissan has certainly pushed the right buttons to tempt me on the new 2017 Rogue (). Other auto manufacture pushing the pop culture franchises on cars are Chevrolet Camaro Bumblebee and Toyota Char’s Auris. Wishes: It would be interesting to see a Metal Gear Car.
    • John – 1. What company’s toy news and reveals are you guys most excited for? 2. With the new changes to the social media policy regarding a press pass to the show (needing at least 250,000 subscribers on youtube) do you think this is a step in the right direction? I personally believe they are trying to make it a more corporate event. 3.What is your take on Disney coming out and quelling the rumors about using Carrie Fisher’s likeness in upcoming projects. 4.Now that Rogue1 is out are you guys going to give us your opinions on the movie? and how excited are you for Episode 8?
  9. Grab Bag

  10. Peace