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- Vern: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Slick: Facebook, Twitter, Email
What are we drinking?
Con News
- Power-Con: Updates
- Wonderfest: resin molds, MP Dinobot confirmed, official display
- Celebration: 40th Anniversary panel
- MOTUC reveals
- 5.5 reveals
- ReAction reveals
- Pixel-Dan Super7
- Filmation will include imp and chest and new arm cannon
- Filmation will have same packaging
- Figures will be grouped, no cherry picking (will be a payment system)
- 2 3-packs for Power-Con (mini comic repaints and Power of Grayskull concept figures)
- New vintage 5.5s (Eldor, He-Ro, Filmation He-Man, Skeletor, Hordak and She-Ra)
- Wave 3 of ReAction
- MOTU micro vinyls (1.5 inch Japanese vinyl)
- Pixel-Dan Four Horsemen
- More goblins to come
- Cyclops Troll
- Want Ogres (would be between Troll and Humanoids), Giants (taller than Trolls), hopefully a Dragon and steads (bears!)
- Older figures may be rereleased
- Galactic Legions
Star Wars (Hasbro Booth Walkthrough)
- Official TBS 6 inch pics
- StarWars.com article
- SWAN Lego and more in-depth videos
- Jakku Quad Jumper
- Rathar Escape
- Advent Calendar
- Emperor’s Tracker
- 1st Order Battle Pack
- Imperial Trooper Battle Pack
- Rebel Trooper Battle Pack
- Republic Tank
- Microfighter – Y-Wing, U-Wing, Tie Striker, Krennic’s Shuttle
- Speeder Bike “Figure” Set
- SWAN Hasbro and Q and A audio
- Centerpiece bases light up
- TBS 6 inch Leia really improved
- Titanium 3.75 inch has reversible backdrop (foil one side, scene on the other)
- Foil backdrops make a scene
- The Celebration Luke has foiling
- Vader will come with large vintage-style display base
- LucasFilm make the Death Star Trooper black like the commander
- Sharing articulation with Legends dependent on licensor approval
- Seeing EPVII Luke in all scales
- Nothing new SA 3.75 inch
- 40th carded with be in boxes later
- BAF would take away quality from a SW figures, Legends reuse a lot of tooling
- New way to do tampos helping with registration
- New Fan Choice this year for 6 inch
- Secondary value is considered for re-issues
- BMF and BAT-AT would be $400 today
- TBS 6 inch: AT-ACT Pilot a Target exclusive, R4-D5 a Gamestop exclusive, new figures will come in standard boxes later
Transformers (TR and TF5 press releases)
- TF5 display and official
- MP Display
- Trypticon display and official
- Titans Return display and official part 1, part 2
- RID display and official
- RFC Hasbro
- TF5 Megatron look dope
- A lot of repaints/remolds
- A lot of Legions
- Overlord looks great
- Octane not so much
- Another Blitzwing
- New version of Wind Blade
- Twin Twist
- SEASPRAY! (weird box on back)
- G2 Laser Prime
- CLONES! (only one of each)
- True Powermaster Prime (looks Platinum)
G.I. Joe
3rd Party
Store Report
- New Walmart TBS 3.75 inch revealed
- Jedha Revolt
- Wave 3 Voyagers and Leaders and wave 4 Titan Masters hitting
- Rogue One Wave 3 5 PoAs
What We Got
- Roger
- Vern
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions
- 🙁
Grab Bag
- Star Wars – Han Solo cast photo (Underworld revived?, RO releases April 4th)
- Transformers – Unicron Lamp
- MOTU – Toys that Time Forgot Kickstarter
- G.I. Joe – TF Joe crossover annual