Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 122 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

  2. Con News

  3. Toy News

  4. 3rd Party

  5. Store Report

  6. Online

  7. What We Got

    • Roger
    • Vern
    • Slick
  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Lotus – I was so excited to see a new show posted. In the interim I continue to listen to your original episodes. I’m up to episode 65 now. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts you and Mrs Mcfavorite have been doing this for so long that you actually created Toy history of news where actual retail figures you talked about are now in the 10 year old range. Vern, I do respect your decision to sell all of your collection. I also understand the compulsion to collect entire lines of toys. I have that same problem. For example a few years ago I bought a bunch of Minty GoBots just because they were in a lot at a good price. Well that had spiraled into me only needing 14 more to complete the 72 U.S Gobot set. This is with me hand picking only Minty ones with card back and no play wear which is very hard to do these days. I have never posted a video of the set in hopes that once I complete it that’s when I would do a nice collection video of them. I have gone through many purges in my collecting career. I have always collected Transformers first and foremost, but got into collecting Hot Toys which Jason calls “dolls”. That term is fine, but for me I did start out collecting Iron Man armor suits, so not sure if he considers them dolls too, but either way they are 1/6th 12″ scale so I guess it’s in the “doll” size class. From the Iron Man suites I did actually collect the Avengers which some of them like Black Widow was very weird to me since she had rooted hair. This figure was definitely a doll even though in my head I kept telling myself it’s a movie accurate highly articulated action figure. 😀 It just kept going I wanted more and more of these figures. Then when the 89 Batmobile was announced I hit the pre order button for that too and took me down the hole of buying vehicles. Then I needed more so I started to buy the Diorama series Hot Toys offered which was Individual Hall of Armor units that connect together at 130 for each piece. In the end of my Hot Toys collecting career I had so many pre orders open that when added up ran into thousands of dollars. I almost feel sometimes the Pre order button is too easy and is hurting us collectors that want everything. I ended up canceling all my Hot Toys pre orders with Sideshow Collectibles which I still lost money on them because the deposits are non refundable and they take 10% up front for each figure pre order. I slowly started selling each figure and went back to focusing on collecting Transformers. Well that didn’t last too long because about 6 months after I sold off my Hot Toys collection with only keeping the 89 Batmobile, I started looking into Sideshow Collectibles 1/4 scale Premium Format Statues of Marvel and DC characters. I bought one and was blown away at the size and dynamic detail of the piece without having any seams or splits like an action figure does.
    • AAA – Once a collector, always a collector. He will come around later. Now because of you guys, I’m hooked on to anything MOTU (From Classics, Loyal Subjects to Club Grayskull). Keep these episodes long and strong! Cheers
    • Dan – I loved Mrs Mac being in the mix, especially as chaos was exploding all around her. Sounds just like my life. When you guys talked about GIJoe it revived in my mind the argument that Hasbro are making a mistake not cranking out cheapo versions to replace the CORPS. Sure we need that 6inch lineup to revitalize everything, but the brand is truly dead unless kids actually play with the damn things! Right now they are smashing CORPS together and burying them in mud instead of Joe’s. It’s classic bad brand management. And yes, some of are still listening after 3 hours!
    • Scruffyronin – Sad that he isn’t into collecting anymore but I loved that the show turned into toy collecting Herman’s Head of sort.
    • AAA – I’m resorting to listening to some old episodes of open your toys podcast starting with episode 116 and going forward hahaha. Question, say if figures initial release was $20 (shipping $10) from Matty, why is super 7 charging $38 for each figure? That’s $8 more then Matty. What gives? You can answer this here or save for the show.
  9. Grab Bag

  10. Peace