Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 132 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

  2. Con News (10 min.)

  3. Toy News (30 min.)

  4. 3rd Party (50 min.)

  5. Store Report (55 min.)

    • AT-ACT $50
    • Ross’ getting TRU exclusive Joe 2 and 3-packs
  6. Online (60 min.)

  7. What We Got (60 min.)

    • Vern
    • Lotus
    • AliasAngelAlias
    • Slick
  8. Listener Feedback and Questions (70 min.)

    • Jeremy: Do you think TMNT has taken any spot of the big 4?
    • Swage: How many people do you estimate that shit their pants over the FT Arcee pics are also porn/hentai addicts?
    • Rock: Hi guys love the show , long time listener first time writing in. I’m a big of all the 80’s properties especially Star Wars & Gi Joe. You guys cover them very well. My question is I know this company doesn’t make toys of those properties but what’s your opinion on the Neca figures? Besides vintage Star Wars this is the only other toys I collect. I feel like the price point for what you get is incredible. $22 for a regular figure & $25 for a ultimate. They make figures of so many great properties like alien, terminator, predator & 80’s horror too. I look forward to hearing your opinions. Peace
  9. Grab Bag (85 min.)

  10. Peace (90 min.)