Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 132 Show Notes
About the podcast
Kick It With Us
What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
Toy News (30 min.)
3rd Party (50 min.)
Store Report (55 min.)
- AT-ACT $50
- Ross’ getting TRU exclusive Joe 2 and 3-packs
Online (60 min.)
What We Got (60 min.)
- Vern
- Lotus
- AliasAngelAlias
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (70 min.)
- Jeremy: Do you think TMNT has taken any spot of the big 4?
- Swage: How many people do you estimate that shit their pants over the FT Arcee pics are also porn/hentai addicts?
- Rock: Hi guys love the show , long time listener first time writing in. I’m a big of all the 80’s properties especially Star Wars & Gi Joe. You guys cover them very well. My question is I know this company doesn’t make toys of those properties but what’s your opinion on the Neca figures? Besides vintage Star Wars this is the only other toys I collect. I feel like the price point for what you get is incredible. $22 for a regular figure & $25 for a ultimate. They make figures of so many great properties like alien, terminator, predator & 80’s horror too. I look forward to hearing your opinions. Peace
Grab Bag (85 min.)
Peace (90 min.)