Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 134 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

  2. Con News (10 min.)

    • The Toys that Made Us
  3. Toy News (30 min.)

  4. 3rd Party (50 min.)

  5. Store Report (55 min.)

  6. Online (60 min.)

  7. What We Got (70 min.)

    • Vern
    • Lotus
    • AliasAngelAlias
    • Slick
  8. Listener Feedback and Questions (80 min.)

    • Bruce: Your take on The Last Jedi. How does it sit amongst the others? What should have been added, and or taken away. What do you expectd from Episode IX?
  9. Grab Bag (100 min.)

  10. Peace (120 min.)