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- Lotus Stark: YouTube
- AliasAngelAlias: Facebook, YouTube, Deviant Art
- Vern: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Slick: Facebook, Twitter, Email
What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
Toy News (20 min.)
- PotP Wave 2 In-Hand (Hun-Gurr)
- MOTUC Card Backs
- Hasbro 4th Quarter (JTA Graph)
- TF vs. Joe In-Hand: Joe and TF
- New Minifigs
- Super7 Q and A
- Legends moving TT Mall
- New G1 Statues
- Jetfire Crotch
3rd Party (30 min.)
Store Report (40 min.)
Online (50 min.)
- Hot Toys Royal Guard
- Colleck-Tor Closed, MOTU groups?
What We Got (60 min.)
- Vern
- Lotus
- AliasAngelAlias
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (70 min.)
John – Hey guys it’s been a long time, it does not look like many people leave comments or questions on here anymore. I’ve been faithfully listening and can’t contribute on the social sites due to the sensitivity of my job so I’ll do this the “old way”
Question (#1) I’ve recently been going through some problems with my wife due to my collecting getting out of hand. My collection is spilling into rooms in the house that are not meant for collectibles. She has always been supportive of my collecting in the past but now she’s hit a wall with it and is really fed up. Have any of you guys had this or a simular experience happen and how did you handle it?
Question (#2) Vern it’s been awhile now since you sold off your collection and it seems like your slowly getting back into things. Do you at this point regret selling your collection? What changed your mind to start collecting again?
Question (#3) Lotus do you ever see yourself becoming a Star Wars fan? With so many new movies in the works outside of the Skywalker story line do you think you might find something that sparks your interest or are you just out on space movies all together?
Thank you guys for all the hours of toy talk, keep up the great work!
Grab Bag (80 min.)
- Star Wars – Movie and TV News: Solo Teaser, Another Trilogy?, Several TV shows
- Transformers – Bumblebee to be the Blueprint
- MOTU – Goyer Passes
- G.I. Joe – TF vs Joe Deluxe Edition
Peace (90 min.)