Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 142 Show Notes
About the podcast
Kick It With Us
What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
Toy News (20 min.)
3rd Party (30 min.)
Store Report (40 min.)
Online (50 min.)
What We Got (60 min.)
- Vern
- Lotus
- AliasAngelAlias
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (70 min.)
- As a collector of lego , comics and a few other odds and ends i have always wanted a complete collection of m.a.s.k vehicles but haven’t started yet due to space and cash , so i ask is there anything that you would like to collect but haven’t started for whatever reason?
- Does anyone else get such a backlog of unopened toys that you take a day off just to sit and play? I have some leave coming up in 2 weeks and i intend to spend my week not being an adult and just building lego.
- McDonalds or KFC?
Grab Bag (80 min.)
Peace (90 min.)