Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 144 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

  2. Con News (10 min.)

  3. Toy News (20 min.)

  4. 3rd Party (50 min.)

  5. Store Report (60 min.)

  6. Online (75 min.)

  7. What We Got (90 min.)

    • Vern
    • Lotus
    • AliasAngelAlias
    • Slick
  8. Listener Feedback and Questions (100 min.)

    • AAA – What is one/two items that you purchased but for whatever reason you sold it, then to have to buy it again; but sold it yet again for whatever reason… and now repurchased yet for the 3rd time? (and finally currently in your possession)
  9. Grab Bag (110 min.)

  10. Peace (90 min.)