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- Email: Team@openyourtoys.com
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- Lotus Stark: YouTube
- AliasAngelAlias: Facebook, YouTube, Deviant Art
- Vern: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Slick: Facebook, Twitter, Email
What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
Toy News (20 min.)
- BW Megatron Images
- New Black Series
- New Encore
- New Super7 MOTU
- Gold Lagoon 3-pack
- FSS 7.0 Delayed until after the convention
- MP Prime v3 (3rd party prime)
- MOTU Q and A
- New Terrorcons images (PE Abominus Kit)
- Cell-Shaded OP
3rd Party (50 min.)
Store Report (60 min.)
Online (75 min.)
What We Got (90 min.)
- Vern
- Lotus
- AliasAngelAlias
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (100 min.)
- AAA – What is one/two items that you purchased but for whatever reason you sold it, then to have to buy it again; but sold it yet again for whatever reason… and now repurchased yet for the 3rd time? (and finally currently in your possession)
Grab Bag (110 min.)
- Star Wars – Solo Review (Celebration
- Transformers – Bumblebee Trailer (new direction)
- MOTU – She-Ra Updates
- G.I. Joe –
Peace (90 min.)