Episode 157 Show Notes
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- Slick: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email
What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
- Power-Con 2019 Location Announced, Power-Con 2018: Bio Bonanza: The Cardback Stories from Masters of the Universe Classics Panel, Creating the Stories of Filmation He-Man Panel, Designing Masters of the Universe Classics Panel, Mattel’s Mastery of MOTU Panel, The Minicomics of Masters of the Universe Classics Panel, Origins of Masters of the Universe Classics Panel, Creating the Design and Animation of Filmation He-Man Panel, Super7 Super Awesome Panel, 200X Masters of the Universe Action Figure Adventure, The Vivacious Voices of the 200X He-Man Cartoon Panel
- MOTUC Collector’s Choice Wave 3 to be revealed at the 2019 New York Toy
Toy News (20 min.)
3rd Party (30 min.)
Store Report (40 min.)
- Reissues: G1 Prime Already Sighted, Warpath, Gears, and Soundwave Coming
- Galaxy Figures Wave 2
Online (50 min.)
What We Got (60 min.)
- Vern
- Lotus
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (70 min.)
- A friend of mine recently asked a question, What is the biggest toy you have? Instead of answering 1 item, I wanted to give a top 10 list of big toys I have. This list is not in any order of size. What are some of the largest toys you have?
- G.I. Joe Spy Troops – Mobile Command Center
- Star Wars The Legacy Collection – Big Millennium Falcon
- Schleich Knight’s Medieval Ritterburg Castle “Toys R Us Exclusive Grey Ver”
- Click N’ Play Mega Military Army Base Barrack Command Center Play Set
- Click N’ Play Urban Warfare Battlefield Military Play Set
- SDCC 2013 Hasbro Exclusive Transformers Titan Class Metroplex
- Transformer Unite Warriors – UW-04 – Devastator
- Hot Wheels Super 6-Lane Raceway Play Set
- LEGO Ultimate Collector Series – SLAVE I, Red 5 Luke’s X-wing, and B-Wing
- Elite Force M1A2 Abrams Battle Tank X 2
Cheers! -AAA
- A friend of mine recently asked a question, What is the biggest toy you have? Instead of answering 1 item, I wanted to give a top 10 list of big toys I have. This list is not in any order of size. What are some of the largest toys you have?
Grab Bag (80 min.)
- Star Wars – Resistance Season 2 Confirmed
- Transformers – Potential Beast Wars Movie
- MOTU –
- G.I. Joe –
Peace (90 min.)