Episode 168 Show Notes
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What are we drinking?
Con News (15 min.)
- Transformers
- Star Wars
- Panel Recap
- TBS Sith Trooper (Sith Trooper Craziness)
- Disappointing Reveals (all held back for Triple Force Friday)
- 5 PoA is Dead!
- Space Walls now Licensed
- Prototype Vader Sells Out
- Exclusives Available 9-10
- MOTU Pixel-Dan
- Origins
- Primary based on toy line
- Will come with a mini-comic with a new telling
- Will be at retail at $14.99 MSRP
- Possibly vehicles, etc.
- Interchangable parts
- Vintage head exclusive to SDCC?
- Mega Contrux
- 2 new series (fall and spring) of single carded figures (full waves) in specific packaging
- Sky Sled 3-pack is comic based
- Roton (works like vintage) with Merman and Battlecat and Armored He-Man
- Point Dredd that can connect to Grayskull with Panthor and Armored Skeletor
- Super7
- Continuing MOTU, but no specifics
- Turtles based on Toy Desigs (more in Oct/Nov)
- Snake Mountain will start having monthly updates
- Thundercats may be coming sooner rather than later
- Miscellaneous
- Origins
- G.I. Joe
- Miscellaneous
- Blitzway
- New Funko Dark Crystal
- Hot Toys HOA Ironmen
- Turtles in Time – Specialty (BBTS, EE, etc.)
- Rodney Robots will have different arm attachments and come in a 2 or 3 pack
- Foot Clan deluxe ninja a ton of new accessories
- Tons of small accessories – Pigeon ninja, pizza monsters, palm tree for Slash
- Turtles will be back out in brighter green color scheme
- Metalhead
- Heavy cartoon at SDCC, then going nuts with move
- Rancid Dead Apple
- Black Hole Figures
- Golden Axe
- Hiya Robocop
- Mega Contrux Game of Thrones
- TFCon
- Half the Battle Toys – JinBao Gravity Builder KO upgrade kit, Soundwave/HISS Tank with mini Destro and Drive
- Nonnef – G2 Sideswipe accessory kit
- Fanstoys – Acoustic Wave (animation style) with all cassette, Teased Blaster, New Spindrift, Teased Cliffjumper
- Xtransbot – 2 more G2 stunticons
- MMC – Guzzle and Brawn, Remix Autobot tapes
Peace (210 min.)