Episode 172 Show Notes
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What are we drinking?
Con News (10 min.)
- D-23
- TFCon Guests
- NYCC: Star Wars Panel, She-Ra Panel
- Power-Con
- Power-Con Origins Reveals
- Modulok Exclusive
- Super7
- Ultimates – Now for everything
- Thundercats- 4 figures every 3 months, 16 planned, Still working packaging
- TMNT Ultimates – 3 month cycle too
- Alternate between Thundercats, Turtles and one-off waves.
- Ultimate Conans- Thulsa Doom is still pending likeness rights
- Combined Modulok at the show – not a ton, but should be available after the show
- Castle Grayskull Rug being reissued
- Mattel
- More than we can imagine is on the table right
- Origins – Showed Trap-Jaw and Battlecat, Teased Scareglow, Orko and Man-e-Faces, Sky Sled coming with a vintage Prince Adam
- Blindpacked Minis – Comes with mini Grayskulls that can connect for display, Chases (Comic (Green Trap Jaw), Slime/Zombie He-Man, Disco Skeletor, Snakemen Man-at-Arms
- MOTU Revelations
- Kevin Smith is part of Netflix series
- People doing Castlevania doing the animation
- They are going to “up the stakes” (more mature)
- Right after classic run
Toy News (40 min.)
3rd Party (70 min.)
Turd Party (80 min.)
Store Report (85 min.)
Online (90 min.)
What We Got (95 min.)
- Lotus
- Rock
- Slick
Listener Feedback and Questions (110 min.)
- None
Grab Bag (110 min.)
- Star Wars – Adidas X-Wings
- Transformers – Bumblebee Ornament
- MOTU – Toys That Made Us Coming to Blu-Ray
- G.I. Joe – New Joe Series?
Peace (120 min.)