Episode 182 Show Notes
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What are we drinking?
Toy Fair (15 min.)
- G.I. Joe
- Classified: Official Pics, Booth Pics
- Jada Gets Die-Cast License
- Masters of the Universe
- Star Wars
- Star Wars License Renewed
- Retro Collection Pre-Order
- Mandalorian Lego Sets
- The Child Pacakaging
- Hasbro: Official Black Series, Booth Pics
- Rumored Repacks
- Jedi News Q and A
- No news on RoS and Mandalorian
- Retro Collection – Walmart exclusive, then possibly a wider release
- More Clone Wars coming later this year
- Transformers
- Tiger LCD Rerelease
- Furai Model Kits
- Spy Patrol 3
- Studio Series: Official Pics, Booth Pics
- Cyberverse: Official Pics
- Netflix WFC Trailer
- Earthrise and Netflix WFC: Official Pics, Earthrise Booth Pics, Netflix WFC Booth Pics
- Miscellaneous
- Ghostbusters: Official Pics, Booth Pics
- Boss Fight
- Mezco: 5 PoA, 1/12th, Other
- Super7
- NECA: Alien and Predator, Horror and Sci-Fi, TMNT, Other
- G.I. Joe
Listener Feedback and Questions (135 min.)
- Shane: Yo, what up a shame? I just wanted to call in and enter Peters question So give me the question was what will I purchase Max? Cute go with my background Pilots. Please ask that Peter. I’m going to purchase the fans hobby master builder 06 and the fans hobby master bath, md-11 a black. Farmer because they’re badass and Lotus. I completely agree with you on lesion power is in mind that is generally ignored but I believe is by Tonka you reminded me that I have a piece of that in storage got the rig piece. And I love it. I haven’t seen it in years. Can’t wait to dig it out and put it with my with my diet and stuff. For sure, and what other what other honorable mention here actually two two other honorable mentions starcom and Jason the Wheeled Warriors. All right. I’ll let you guys discuss that. Thanks for the show. Talk to you later. Bye.
Grab Bag (140 min.)
- Star Wars – New Live Action Series?, What is a Dark Saber
- Transformers – New Transformers Media
- MOTU – Media News, Revelation’s Actors
- G.I. Joe – New Joe Media
Peace (90 min.)