Episode 222 Show Notes
Find links for where to listen to the show, how to kick it with us, and most importantly follow along with everything that we talk about during the episode.
About the podcast
Kick It With Us
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- Slick: Facebook, Instagram, Email
What are we drinking?
Con News
- SDCC Exclusives: Super7, Diamond Select, Zartan
- Pulsecon Announcement and SW Exclusives
- SDCC Joe Panel
- Target Geekout
Toy News
3rd Party
Store Report
- Cobra Island Showing Up in Canadian TRUs
- More Bad Batch Sets Coming
What We Got
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Jay: It really brings me joy but I can see that Rock has some built up toy rage that may need to come out one day. I really would love to hear some sort of extra show where you all talk about stuff that you are currently doing and maybe let out some of that NERD RAGE that I can see building up. Even if it is just a 10 to 20 minute small segment or even had some spinoff hosts. Just throwing that out there and feel free to ignore my ass. My wife does! Also, I may seem like I am ripping on Stark but I am just having some fun. He is such a mystery and I want to solve that riddle one day! Lots of love ( NON GAY ) even though gay is ok in my book! Plus nobody emails you all and I want to share the love that way too!
Grab Bag
- Star Wars – Visions
- Transformers – Kingdom Trailer, Ornament
- MOTU – Revelation Trailer, Ornament
- G.I. Joe – Snake Eyes Coming to iMax