Episode 235 Show Notes
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What are we drinking?
Con News
- Joe Fan First Friday
- Scarf removable on Twins
- Scarf and beret removable on Stalker
- Cobra Commander and Duke
- Sunbow inspired deco and accessories
- Possible Jump?
- Retro Line confirmed with Sunbow inspired decos
- Looks like we will be getting a ton of these
- Accessories are going to be great for 3-pack
- 40th Anniversary Event
- Overlapping pre-orders 🙂
- Toy Fair Cancelled Again
- Joe Fan First Friday
Toy News
3rd Party
Store Report
What We Got
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Kass: Greetings gentleman. I hope all is well with everyone. First of all. Are you guys at all disappointed with some possible missed opportunities with the Lucasfilm 40th anniversary? I was thinking we might actually get some Indiana Jones figures, or even some figures from Willow? Second. What will the back of the G.I. Joe O ring figure packaging look like? Will we get complete file cards? Or abbreviated ones in several different languages? If I knew we were getting the full file card treatment I would pre-order the Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow 2 back on Hasbro Pulse. But I don’t think they have shown pictures of the back of the packaging yet? And also do you think we will get more O ring figures released this year? Anyway, thanks for the great show guys.
Grab Bag
- Star Wars – New Games from EA Coming
- Transformers – Animated Transformers Film, IDW Looses Licenses
- MOTU –
- G.I. Joe – The Art of Collecting G.I. Joe , Trick or Treat Cobra Commander Helmet