Episode 242 Show Notes
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About the podcast
Kick It With Us
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- Roger: Facebook
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What are we drinking?
Listener Feedback and Questions
- AAA: Out of the 4 franchise. Pick only 1 character types from each category that you most enjoy army building. My answer: SW(StormTroopers), GIJOE (Crimson Guards), MOTU (Horde Troopers), Transformers (N/A)
Con News
- Joe Fans First
- Star Wars Fans First: Stream, Official Pics and Pre-Orders, Wandering Jedi
- Celebration Schedule
Toy News
3rd Party
- 4 Foot Metroplex
- Bantha and MASK: Want to personally thank you for the overwhelming response to Matt Trakker & Mile Mayhem. They have done so much better than expected and because of your support, we want to do a little something in return. We will be giving away a 6″ scale Matt Trakker and a 6″ scale Miles Mayhem figure. Everyone that purchased (or will purchase) a Matt Trakker figure will be entered into a drawing to win the 6in scale version, and everyone that purchased (or will purchase) a Miles Mayhem figure will be entered to win the 6in scale version. The final day to be entered into the drawing is May 31st 2022, and the winner will be announced on June 1st, 2022. We also also including a MASK logo sticker with each figure as a bonus. Also, because of the overwhelming support and interest in our MASK figures line, we have decided to add four more. The next four will be: Brad Turner with Hocus Pocus mask, Bruce Sato with Lifter mask, Vanessa Warfield with Whip mask, and finally Gloria Baker with New Collider mask. They will be the same price point as Matt Trakker and Miles Mayhem, and will be offered loose, loose with stand and carded. We will also be doing a 6″ scale giveaway for each of these figures just like we are doing for Trakker & Mayhem. What figure(s) would you like to see come next in our MASK line? We would love to hear your thoughts.
- Toyhax May Update
- Sandstorm
- 5 PoA Ninjas
- NA Cyclonuses
- Hiya Godzilla
- Dr. Wu Magnus
Store Report
What We Got
Grab Bag
- Star Wars – Kenobi Tailer
- Transformers – Optimus Prime’s Time Off
- MOTU –
- G.I. Joe –