Episode 247 Show Notes
Find links for where to listen to the show, how to kick it with us, and most importantly follow along with everything that we talk about during the episode.
About the podcast
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- Lotus Stark: YouTube
- Rock: eBay, Facebook
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- Roger: Facebook
- Slick: Facebook, Instagram, Email, eBay
What are we drinking?
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Negron: Yeah. It’s Negron here. I love you guys podcast. I love you show. I’ve heard about this Infamous voicemail. I figured you know what man, I got to leave a voicemail before this s*** goes away. I’m watching you guys now episode 246. Thank you guys for what you do? I’m a fan. I wish I could hang out with you guys, you know with talk the same s*** enjoy toys and just have a have a couple and enjoy. So all right open your toys cast. the grown out
- Jay: Interesting read about Hasbro. I was also going to leave a voice-mail but we all know that is a dying format according to Google! Not on Farcebook any longer but I still follow your guys. Your 3 hour shows are great because I can do 30 minutes on the treadmill for 6 days a week and stretch out 1 show. Keep up the long shows and all the banter! P.S. Tell Stark I am still searching the Googles and interwebs for photos of him.
Con News
- MOTU: Mondo Revelation, MEA Grayskull, 40th Anniversary 2-Pack, Events and Panels
- Star Wars: TVC Mando Boxset, Black Series, Target Exclusives at EE, more
- G.I. Joe: Super7, EE, First Classified Panel
- Transformers: Hasbro Panel, Earthspark Panel
- Other: Hook Mountain Lion-O, No Holds Barred, Gennaro, Super7
- Power-Con: Stratos
- Walmart Collector Con
- TFCon 3rd Party Panel
Toy News
3rd Party
Store Report
What We Got
Grab Bag