Episode 284 Show Notes
Find links for where to listen to the show, how to kick it with us, and most importantly follow along with everything that we talk about during the episode.
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What are we drinking?
Listener Feedback and Questions
- AAA: Have you ever purchase something from someone over social media and got scammed? If not, how about at a “legit” online toy store? Social media = never pay friends and family, so that never happened. In my lifetime of purchasing online toy store, unfortunately it happened more than a hand full because I always get tempted by the great pre-order prices. After six to eights months out of the window due to pre-order… I was out of protections. Another situation would be that the online toy stores when out of business and won’t refund my PayPal money from the pre-orders. As you know, I’m not a JOMO type of collector. I am a master of FOMO and pre-ordering is my middle name. I might have lost over thousands of dollars that I had been cheated on.
Con News
Toy News
3rd Party
- ToyHax Update
- Ultimates! D&D
- Armada Jetfire
- Roboskull Update
Store Report
- All Transformers United Legacy Wave 1 Classes
What We Got
Grab Bag