And you’ll hear a tale, a tale of collecting toys. What a tale it is too. As usual we didn’t get a show out during the holidays so this one is a doozy. It feels amazing to be back though. I really forget how much I love talking toys. Do you have an outlet for your fandom? Do you have someone that even knows what you’re talking about? Sometimes I take for granted that Mrs. McFavorite puts up with a lot and I love her for it. While toys can bring a smile to your face, only the love of friends and family can make your heart smile.

No, I didn’t do anything. At least nothing that would require a heart felt apology for the entire world to see. The holidays just always seem to make me feel a little closer to my fellow man and even more importantly to those closest to me. I can’t help feeling more appreciative of everything. But, more on topic, have you seen what kind of toys we’re getting right now? I know everything gets better with time, but damn we collectors (especially us 30 somethings) are getting amazing nods to our childhood. The Vintage Collection is putting out some amazing new figures. We are seeing Transformers I thought I would never see. To top it all off there is going to be a set of Joes I always wanted and one of my most favorite Christmas gifts ever. What can I say, life is good right now. Hope it is for you too.

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