It’s that time of year again. It’s the Super Bowl of action figure events. Where plastic addicts from all around the world rejoice and/or bitch about all the new toys we’ll be getting. Unfortunately my heart just wasn’t in it this year. We had to cancel our trip to see my family due to weather and a few other unforeseen circumstances. This was the trip we were going to spring the big news. Now we have to wait another month to tell them in person. It feels like a huge weight right now. On top of that, work continues to be shitty.

You want the icing on the proverbial cake? We’ve come to the incredibly hard decision that our faithful companion for over 13 years, Target, has reached an unacceptable level of quality of life. While it might be hard to lose a pet, it’s unbearable to have to actually set a date and count down to it. Every day for the last week and a half has been filled with the 5 steps of grief played out over and over again. I apologize if I don’t have any witty quips, insightful ponderings or even a couple of links. I do sincerely appreciate you listening or reading as the case may be. I’ve had my fair share of pain especially for my age so I know time does helps, I just wish it would hurry the fuck up.

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Pain pays the income of each precious thing…Slick