Life is funny. Everything seems like it’s going great, but sometimes that is just your comfort level setting in. You get comfortable with the norm. The pedestrian is good enough. Then you wake up one day and you want more. This can happen with your job, relationships, but worse yet, this can happen with life in general. You just follow the path of least resistance.
What the hell does this have to do with toys you ask? Collecting anything, not just toys, is one of those things that it is very easy to find a comfort level with. Whether it’s the little rules we use to govern our collecting or just the routine itself. It’s something that can just become habit and not really produce the satisfaction that you hope it would. Well, I want more. Not necessarily more toys, but more satisfaction from what I do in regard to the hobby I love. It might be customizing, producing original artwork or even just selling some of my toys for new toys. I haven’t quite figured it out yet. However, when I do you will be the first to know.
As with my last post, enough with the whining, we got toys to talk about. While we seem to have less news, we spend just as much time talking about it. There is a lot of Transformers news especially from Japan. Unfortunately, the Transformers Q and A doesn’t produce much (as usual). However the bi-weekly Matty Q and A kind of does. Can you say Castle Grayskull? No, it’s not a confirmation, but you better start saving your pennies. Do you need anything Hasbro? The best sale in a very long time is happening right now. What are you waiting for go buy yourself a Christmas present or ten.
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Don’t get caught in a rut, create your own groove…Slick
P.S. Thanks for your patience with the list. Everybody that has requested it will have it by the end of the weekend.
COME ON GUY’S-We all need to Like O.Y.T.C on Facebook because we all love it 🙂
Jaime’s comment’s part 1: Sex store’s,sex candy…..dam 🙂
Nice to see your catching up on Clone Wars season 3 🙂
All the “power core combiners” seem ok, i like most of them! still got’a pick’em up 🙁
Wave 5 of the star wars vintage cards rock…still not happy about the mix movie wave’s 🙁
& did someone say video podcast???
Castle GraySkull at $200 to $300…………fuck that 🙁
Black Friday party podcast sounds great 🙂
I’m sending you guy’s a Taylor Lautner poster 🙂
I kinda disappointed too about them mixing the Vintage waves too.
Horrible thing is I think I would pay $200 for a Grayskull.
Please no, oh god, please no posters of half naked teenagers.
Wish i had hard to find Transfomers……………………….wait most of the Transfomers (non movies) are hard to find 🙁
That “Return of the Jedi” wave is the shit (i’m buying six of each) & you should have just takken the toy out of that kid’s hand,if he can’t make up his mind to bad for him 🙂
Death Troopers….give me a break,so sick of zombies in Star Wars 🙁
(so you like it hard slick?……………………………………….the book cover)
DUST…. it’s a bitch 🙁
Wookiee life day….love it 🙂
New game’s for transfomers that’s shocking & Yeah “Dark of the moon’ and it’s in 3D,i’m still like WTF Michael Bay 🙁
The Generations line can be hard to find out here too. Only seen Soundwave and Red Alert twice now.
I really like the ROTJ wave too. Can’t wait to buy some openers.
Come’on zombies are the shit. They’re getting a little cliche lately, but there’s not too much of the in Star Wars. Only Death Troopers and the Geonosisians in Clone Wars. And, no, I like it soft as in paperbacks.
I actually wish Transformers was in IMAX 3D. Love the scale and I actually like 3D.
I luved Avatar in 3D,IMAX rock’s but what we pay to see a movie in 3D is fucked $19.90 & when you can only see a movie in 3D 🙁
Geonosisians zombies? do you mean the worms?
That is ridiculous. Our tickets for Tron in IMAX 3D were $18 a piece.
Yes the worms episode.