Robert Burns put it almost too eloquently when he wrote "The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft agley.” Basically outside sources can always interfere with your plans. No matter how much you try to compensate, variables exist that you haven’t even thought of. So what do you do when your plans go awry? Do you adapt? Do you make new plans? Do you just shutdown? In the immortal words of Cliff Spab, "Sometimes you just have to say So Fucking What." Remember when we planned shorter more frequent shows? SFW. Remember 1, 2 Reviews? SFW. Remember #140CharacterReviews? SFW. Whew, that feels better. This doesn’t mean that those things aren’t still coming, but "gang aft agley".

On the lighter side, WE’RE BACK BITCHES! Now that feels good. Con season is officially in full effect. Botcon is less than a month away and we get Mattel’s huge SDCC exclusives reveal. Dark of the Moon toys are less than a week away, but of course they are already popping up all over the place. Items thought to never see mass release are showing up on pegs. Finally, May the fourth be with you? It’s with us.

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Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back…Slick