I feel like I’m truly getting old. Not physically, but mentally. What’s funny is I’m not really getting old, my priorities are just changing. I used to think, I’ll never do this or I’ll never worry about that. The truth is there are things in my life that need to change. No longer just for me, but now for my family. Gone are the days where my actions wouldn’t affect anyone else in a meaningful way. Now every decision I make needs to be based on a priority. What does this have to do with toys? If you don’t know now, you’ll know eventually.
By the way, did you know we’re finally getting Mekaneck? Oh and what a neck it is. Speaking of Meka’s, we’re also getting a mechanized Darth Maul in a Battle Pack with one of the hardest to find Clone Wars figures and a fan favorite. Even if the Voyager Fall of Cybertron Soundwave poops out his data discs (never knew difference of disc vs. disk), I still love him with all my heart. Something else I love is YoJoe.com’s new Toy Archive. It’s amazing when the best get better. They obviously have their priorities, do you?
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If not, get you some…Slick
It’s so nice to hear you all more than once a month
Thanks brotha. We average about every 3 weeks, so if we record early enough in the month we get two in. 🙂
Hi Slick and Mrs. Fav, first time listener. I heard about you guys from Whats On Joe Mind and Now I’m hook to you fantastic show. I really enjoy the dual aspect of male and female’s point of view regarding to the 80’s franchises. I myself is a victim of this plastic disease for more then 20 years. I love the format of your shows and the informative up-to-date news on toy collecting. I’m a big fan of Star Wars, G.I.Joe, Transformers, Marvel Universe, and Gundam! Yes, Gundam… I grew up in Hong Kong city and remember drawing Gundam mecha since I was five years old. Fist of the North Stars, Mazinger Z, Dr. Slump, Doraemon, and many others where some of my favorite while growing up. After the age of 11, I ended up in America and learn about US 80’s franchises. I have good amount of knowledge of toys from East and West. Anyway, I just want to say, keep up the good work and I really appreciate the show note (links) you provided for the show (It really helps a lot).
Enclosing, I want to show you some of my toy photography work. I am an avid convention goer and I loved to take photos of amazing cosplayers. Come check it out, let me know what you think?
Here is my Toy Review Channel:
Welcome to the fam AliasAngel.
I love the few Gundam models I’ve done, but have no clue about the mythos. I was amazed to find out the level of its popularity.
Glad you appreciate the show notes. I easily put 4-5 hours into them each show and that doesn’t even include the hours I spend reading the news. It’s definitely a labor of love though.
Speaking of spending some time. WOW! Your photography is amazing. Love your Photoshopping too. Do you work with PS professionally? Are you self taught?
I do most of my review watching at work. I’ll be checking out a few yours tomorrow. I’m especially interested in the Tokyo Toy Show Prime and Megs.
Thanks for listening!
Thank you Mr Slick McFav for the positive comment about my work. I completely agreed with you, what we do is because of our passion for this hobby. Currently, I have three degrees under my belt. I’m a professional graphic designer, computer animator, and a license medical practitioner (in that order of accomplishments). I also partner with my brother and run a professional fashion photography company on the side (http://www.manstudiophotography.com) and I still have free time to play with my toys and do youtube reviews. LoL You definitely put a lot into this program and it shows! 🙂 You got a very cool and understand wife along with the ride. My next mission in life is to find a cool gf who understand my collecting habits. LoL Again, keep up the good work. You can message me in Deviant Art or at my Youtube channel if you like. Stay Strong brother and May the Force be with three (you, wife, & baby).