I bet you thought this would be our Toy Fair episode and I think if we were any other podcast it would be. See my mom always taught me to finish what I started. We started this show about a week before Toy Fair and due to some unforeseen circumstances that we’ll discuss on the actual Toy Fair episode; we just finished it last night. So no, this is not our Toy Fair episode, but yes we will be recording a Toy Fair episode in the next couple of days. If you want some immediate satisfaction, you can hear some our thoughts about the big reveals on one our favorite shows, Dave and Devall’s Toys and Collectibles. We had a great night rocking with D&D. So much so we’ll be joining them for all major yearly toy milestones (i.e. Toy Fair and SDCC). This is great news because they’re much timelier than we are.
So what got us excited before what was one of the best Toy Fairs to date? The biggest news in years was the announcement of the Gentle Giant sculpted Star Wars Black Series 6 inch line. This has got me incredibly excited. Robot Kingdom once again teased us with a preorder outta left field for the Transformers brand. While not necessarily a preorder, a major retailer’s computer system revealed yet another amazing item, this time for the G.I. Joe franchise. While not necessarily action figure related, Masters of the Universe had some great new items as well and it’s finally something Mrs. McFavorite can appreciate.
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No seriously, we will definitely see you sooner rather than later this time…Slick
Great show guy’s, so no toy fair show? 🙁
& wow allmost 85 episode’s! That’s AWESOME guy’s after finding you guy’s at episode 13 of O.Y.T.C I’ve had a blast every show seeing what’s going on in the world of toy’s, you guy’s are my no#1 podcast (not just toy’s but for anything, luv you guy’s, luv the show, your number one fan from the land Down Under…Jaime 🙂
Thanks man. We are doing a Toy Fair show. Hopefully recording it this weekend. Gotta read the post a little closer 🙂
I see 🙂
Hello Slick and MrsMcFav,
Thank you for another epic episode of OYTC! Wow you guys certainly put a ton of work into the show! Thank you so much for answering my previous questions.
Lately I’ve been completely suck into the LEGO realm. I never though I would touch another LEGO pieces after 20 years of disconnection. Now I’m completely onboard with this addictive obsession. It all started with my friend needing my to help in picking up the LEGO 10198 Tantive IV for him at my local comic shop. A week later, you (MrMcfav) looking for the MTT droid carrier (you’re very welcome). My curiously lead me one thing to another… now… I’m cruised 🙁 With Transformers, GIJoe, Star Wars, and other imports Japanese products… now I got LEGO in my brain.
To hit off with the obsession, I started with LEGO 9500 Star Wars Fury Class Sith Interceptor, second is 9496 Star Wars Desert Skiff set, third set… (get ready for this) LEGO 2013 Palace Cinema Modular set! LEGO is so expensive and it is a very dangerous path (>_<), I can’t be save.
1) Questions for both, What set or how many LEGO sets do you both own currently? Any recommendation?
2) I’m sure you saw the listing for Kre-O G.I.Joe sets available at Toys R Us (as exclusive), how come Hasbro is able to sell these big play sets for half the price that LEGO is asking for their licensed product? Even Kre-O’s mini-figures have more articulation and more printing on the bricks then LEGO for that price, do you guys know what’s going on?
Your question about my Celebration VI trip, I didn’t buy the VIP ticket. Any of the main panel waiting line is about 3-4 hours long. The signing line for Carrie Fisher was 4-5 hours long. I even saw people trying to sell their tickets for the autograph (50% off) because they didn’t want to stand in line. If you got VIP pass, your wait time for the big actors/actresses are around 45min-1.5 hours. If you have the money, VIP is the way of the force…!!! Anyway, I slaved through the line for Carrie Fisher, Jeremy Bulloch, Amy Allen, and Ashley Eckstein’s autograph.
P.S. Slick, you have a Transformers podcast?!?
P.S.S. Ever want your creation be supported by LEGO? or Want to see fan made LEGO creation become reality? Come and check this out!
http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/11084 (This one actually became reality! Congrat)
Hello McFavorites!
Thanks for another entertaining episode! I didn’t get a chance to post a comment on the last episode, but you still mentioned me a couple times which I appreciate. I feel like the grammar police every time the dreaded “supposably” word comes up, but Slick has been doing a great job not using it. I didn’t catch any on the last ep, but I do have to call out the Mrs. on choosing the wrong pronunciation of George Takei’s last name. I am also a faithful listener of the Howard Stern Show which Mr. Takei is an occasional guest announcer. As he has told Howard and many others….it is Ta-kay, like okay. Mrs. McFave just lost a bunch of nerd cred on that one….not that she necessarily wants any. Also, kudos on nailing the O-maj versus Ah-midge debate. O-maj is the noun usage and Ah-midge is the verb usage usually following “paying.” Good job, Slick.
Enough of that nonsense….on to the toys! Thanks for the further explanation on the card-bending topic. I can understand being pissed when finding a figure in-store after over-paying on ebay. It’s happened to me a few times….but, be mad at your own dumb-ass….don’t take it out on those poor, defenseless figures….they didn’t do anything to you!
Good decision on having the GrandMcFavorites watching BMF during the show.
I didn’t mind her too much, but at a certain point on the last episode, I could feel the tension between the two of you and it would be a shame to have the podcast end in an awkward rage-filled silence. Plus, I was about to give the kid the nickname of Baby McShowkiller. Glad I don’t have to now.
Alright, now to the question…..We all know you consider SW, MOTU, TF & Joe as the 4 greatest toy lines of all time (which they are) but if you had to pick a fifth line to join that group, what would it be? For me, it’s gotta be Justice League (Unlimited) just based on breadth alone. It may have the most characters in any line….of all time. Don’t know that for a fact, but it sounds good. I know they hardly have any ariticulation and almost no vehicles or playsets, but the Timm-verse style is classic and the cartoon was, in my opinion, the greatest.
Thanks again…and good job on Dave & DeVall’s podcast.
Also, never apologize for wanting to get drunk…..it’s our God-given right!
Sorry I haven’t replied sooner. Recording the Toy Fair show tonight and we will address these comments/questions. Thanks to both of you for participating. It means a lot.