I bet you thought this would be our Toy Fair episode and I think if we were any other podcast it would be. See my mom always taught me to finish what I started. We started this show about a week before Toy Fair and due to some unforeseen circumstances that we’ll discuss on the actual Toy Fair episode; we just finished it last night. So no, this is not our Toy Fair episode, but yes we will be recording a Toy Fair episode in the next couple of days. If you want some immediate satisfaction, you can hear some our thoughts about the big reveals on one our favorite shows, Dave and Devall’s Toys and Collectibles. We had a great night rocking with D&D. So much so we’ll be joining them for all major yearly toy milestones (i.e. Toy Fair and SDCC). This is great news because they’re much timelier than we are.

So what got us excited before what was one of the best Toy Fairs to date? The biggest news in years was the announcement of the Gentle Giant sculpted Star Wars Black Series 6 inch line. This has got me incredibly excited. Robot Kingdom once again teased us with a preorder outta left field for the Transformers brand. While not necessarily a preorder, a major retailer’s computer system revealed yet another amazing item, this time for the G.I. Joe franchise. While not necessarily action figure related, Masters of the Universe had some great new items as well and it’s finally something Mrs. McFavorite can appreciate.

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No seriously, we will definitely see you sooner rather than later this time…Slick