When a storm was approaching Houston, a place where I have friends not too far away, I thought, “How bad could it be?” Then came the pictures and videos. Literally post-apocalyptic kind of stuff. Similar to Katrina, but what seemed to be in wide open spaces, like interstates. Now Irma is on her way. We have a host in the direct path. He messaged me a few days ago about possibly not having power or access to the Internet. I again dismissed it as easily, even with Houston only 2 weeks ago. Now as Irma becomes less of a possibility and more of an inevitability, I’m really worried. The more AAA posts about packing up his collectibles, shopping for food and water when there’s none on the shelves and in general preparing for the worst, the more I think about what I would do. You have 5 days until you may possibly lose everything, I mean everything, what do you do? Cut and run with as much as you can carry? Batten down the hatches and barricade yourself in? What do YOU do?

What do we do when we have possibly the shortest show ever? We talk, and talk, and talk and still go two and half-hours. What can I say, when talking toys the time flies. We gab about the Galaxy Meteor cancellation or not. I gush about James Eatock publishing an unreleased vintage minicomic for Power-Con. We get a little insight into likeness rights from a Tonnika Sister. And even Joe had a story. It may not be the end times, but your prayers and positive thoughts are always welcome.

The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla…Slick

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